The title of this post is more than cliché or a good Star Trek episode, from The Next Generation. This blog has been inactive for a long while and will be for the foreseeable future. I enjoyed my attempt at freelance writing, but the allure of a regular job became appealing. I’m keeping this site […]
Author: Steven Malikowski
How Technology Has Not Changed
A professor once told me, “If you want things to stay the same, there will have to be some changes.” Technology isn’t mentioned in that phrase, but it hardly has to be. It’s one of many pithy quotes about technology’s ongoing change. We’ve come to expect that, but fewer of us get excited about it. […]
Lessons from Getting Lost while Driving
The start of 2016 has special meaning for WordShop Services, since the business is starting this year. In the spirit of starting anew, this blog entry will describe how I start writing online help. Most of us have heard the phrase that we need to analyze our audience when writing, but we hear less about […]
Every Online Journey Starts with the First Post
About once a month, I’ll add some news here. I insist on enjoying my work, since that leads to better work, so the news will include an occasional attempt at humor while describing issues related to writing, technology, and some occasional meandering. Some of the news will be a little personal, but that’s an advantage […]